1.0 Engineering Flow of Conventional System (CS)
2.0 Engineering Flow of Foundation Fieldbus (FF)
3.0 FF Engineering
1.0 Engineering Flow of CS
2.0 Engineering Flow of FF
3.0 FF Engineering
Basic Design
Study of Host Type, Requirement of Information
Study of Redundancy
Study of Communication
Study of Power Supply
Study of Control Function Location
Study of Scope of Vendor, Construction subcontractor
Study of Installation method, Wiring
Study of Future Expansion
Fieldbus Design
Network Design
Segment Assignment
Location of LAS
Control System Design
Location of Control Function (Field or Host ?)
PC HOST / MMI Design
Control Function, MMI Function, Maintenance & Operability, Reliability, Scope of Work
Field Instrument Design
Specification of Field Instrument
Mustafa'cığım Gaz kromatografı ve Analiz cihazları ile dokümanı hazırladım. Ne yazık ki sadece Türkçe (İngilizce olanları sanırım taşınma aşamasında kayboldu-istersen daha sonra çevirebilirim) Sana nasıl ulaştırabilirim.